/*** @title: Live Search @version: 2.0 @author: Andreas Lagerkvist @date: 2008-08-31 @url: http://andreaslagerkvist.com/jquery/live-search/ @license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ @copyright: 2008 Andreas Lagerkvist (andreaslagerkvist.com) @requires: jquery, jquery.liveSearch.css @does: Use this plug-in to turn a normal form-input in to a live ajax search widget. The plug-in displays any HTML you like in the results and the search-results are updated live as the user types. @howto: jQuery('#q').liveSearch({url: '/ajax/search.php?q='}); would add the live-search container next to the input#q element and fill it with the contents of /ajax/search.php?q=THE-INPUTS-VALUE onkeyup of the input. @exampleHTML:

@exampleJS: jQuery('#jquery-live-search-example input[name="q"]').liveSearch({url: Router.urlForModule('SearchResults') + '&q='}); ***/ jQuery.fn.liveSearch = function (conf) { var config = jQuery.extend({ url: '/search-results.php?q=', id: 'jquery-live-search', duration: 400, typeDelay: 200, loadingClass: 'loading', onSlideUp: function () {}, uptadePosition: false }, conf); var liveSearch = jQuery('#' + config.id); // Create live-search if it doesn't exist if (!liveSearch.length) { liveSearch = jQuery('
') .appendTo(document.body) .hide() .slideUp(0); // Close live-search when clicking outside it jQuery(document.body).click(function(event) { var clicked = jQuery(event.target); if (!(clicked.is('#' + config.id) || clicked.parents('#' + config.id).length || clicked.is('input'))) { liveSearch.slideUp(config.duration, function () { config.onSlideUp(); }); } }); } return this.each(function () { var input = jQuery(this).attr('autocomplete', 'off'); var liveSearchPaddingBorderHoriz = parseInt(liveSearch.css('paddingLeft'), 10) + parseInt(liveSearch.css('paddingRight'), 10) + parseInt(liveSearch.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) + parseInt(liveSearch.css('borderRightWidth'), 10); // Re calculates live search's position var repositionLiveSearch = function () { var tmpOffset = input.offset(); var inputDim = { left: tmpOffset.left, top: tmpOffset.top, width: input.outerWidth(), height: input.outerHeight() }; inputDim.topPos = inputDim.top + inputDim.height; inputDim.totalWidth = inputDim.width - liveSearchPaddingBorderHoriz; liveSearch.css({ position: 'absolute', left: inputDim.left + 'px', top: inputDim.topPos + 'px', width: inputDim.totalWidth + 'px' }); }; // Shows live-search for this input var showLiveSearch = function () { // Always reposition the live-search every time it is shown // in case user has resized browser-window or zoomed in or whatever repositionLiveSearch(); // We need to bind a resize-event every time live search is shown // so it resizes based on the correct input element jQuery(window).unbind('resize', repositionLiveSearch); jQuery(window).bind('resize', repositionLiveSearch); liveSearch.slideDown(config.duration); }; // Hides live-search for this input var hideLiveSearch = function () { liveSearch.slideUp(config.duration, function () { config.onSlideUp(); }); }; input // On focus, if the live-search is empty, perform an new search // If not, just slide it down. Only do this if there's something in the input .focus(function () { if (this.value !== '') { // Perform a new search if there are no search results if (liveSearch.html() == '') { this.lastValue = ''; input.keyup(); } // If there are search results show live search else { // HACK: In case search field changes width onfocus setTimeout(showLiveSearch, 1); } } }) // Auto update live-search onkeyup .keyup(function () { // Don't update live-search if it's got the same value as last time if (this.value != this.lastValue) { input.addClass(config.loadingClass); var q = this.value; // Stop previous ajax-request if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } // Start a new ajax-request in X ms this.timer = setTimeout(function () { jQuery.get(config.url + q, function (data) { input.removeClass(config.loadingClass); // Show live-search if results and search-term aren't empty if (data.length && q.length) { liveSearch.html(data); showLiveSearch(); } else { hideLiveSearch(); } }); }, config.typeDelay); this.lastValue = this.value; } }); }); };