Other Documents

Historical Documents

The Historical documents of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.


The original Constitution of the Associate-Reformed Presbyterian Church, containing three books; Of the Government of the Church; Of Discipline; and Of Worship. 3 The Consitution of 1799 also affirmed the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms (Larger and Shorter) due to limited resources and time this website will not produce these documents.

Read the three books from the 1799 Constitution.

1647- Directory of Family-Worship

The Directory for Family-Worship approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, for piety and uniformity in secret and private worship, and mutual edification with an act of the General Assembly, 1647.

Read the Directory of Family-Worship 1647


This Form of Government was ordered by the General Synod of 1965, and was adopted in 1971, This was followed by the current Form of Government which was ordered by the General Synod in 2006 and adopted in 2014. 

Read the Form of Government from the 1971.

For more documents please visit the ARP Church Official Website

Due to limited resources of time and finances we are not able to offer update to date resources regarding the Manual of Procedure or other governing documents of the ARP Church.

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